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| Moloch | default | | -------------------------- | --------------------------: | ---------- | | address[] summoner | | 初始成员 | | address[] approvedTokens | | 允许的币种 | | uint256 periodDuration | 17280s = 4.8 hours = 5/days | | uint256 votingPeriodLength | 35 = 7 days | 投票周期 | | uint256 gracePeriodLength | 35 = 7 days | 宽限期 | | uint256 proposalDeposit | | 提案押金 | | uint256 dilutionBound | 3 | 稀释结合 | | uint256 processingReward | 0.1 | | uint256[] summonerShares | | 成员配股 |

| Member | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | address delegateKey | the key responsible for submitting proposals and voting - defaults to member address unless updated | | uint256 shares | the # of voting shares assigned to this member | | uint256 loot | the loot amount available to this member (combined with shares on ragequit) | | bool exists | always true once a member has been created | | uint256 highestIndexYesVote | highest proposal index # on which the member voted YES | | uint256 jailed | set to proposalIndex of a passing guild kick proposal for this member, prevents voting on and sponsoring proposals |

{ label: 'Primary token', value: 'WMATIC' }, { label: 'Proposal velocity', value: '12 per day' }, { label: 'Voting period', value: '5 days' }, { label: 'Grace period', value: '2 days' }, { label: 'Proposal deposit', value: '10 WMATIC' }, { label: 'Proposal reward', value: '1 WMATIC' },