JSON Schema
- 自定义属性最好使用
前缀 - enum 通过数组定义,无法指定 title
- 可以使用 oneOf/anyOf - 推荐使用 2020-12 或 draft-07
version | $schema | adopted by | date |
2020-12 | OpenAPI 3.1 | ||
2019-09 | 2019-09 | ||
draft-07 | http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema | ajv default | 2018-06 |
draft-06 | |||
draft-04 | |||
draft-00 | OpenAPI 3.0 |
- 2020-12 - 不兼容 draft-07
- prefixItems
- items 行为变化
- recursiveAnchor -> dynamicAnchor
- contains+unevaluatedItems 行为变化
- application/schema+json, application/schema-instance+json
- 使用 $defs 来 bundle schema
- JSON Schema 2020-12 Release Notes
- draft 2019-09
- recursiveRef
- unevaluatedProperties
- unevaluatedItems
- dependentRequired
- dependentSchemas
- maxContains/minContains
- draft-07 - https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema
- recursiveAnchor, unevaluatedProperties/unevaluatedItems
- draft-06
- draft-04
- OpenAPI
- nullable
- discriminator
- 不影响校验
- 版本选择
- ajv 默认 draft-07
- typebox 使用 draft-07
- 参考
export type JSONSchemaTypeName =
| 'string' //
| 'number'
| 'integer'
| 'boolean'
| 'object'
| 'array'
| 'null';
export type JSONSchemaType =
| string //
| number
| boolean
| JSONSchemaObject
| JSONSchemaArray
| null;
type JSONSchemaDefinition = JSONSchema | boolean;
interface JSONSchema {
$id?: string;
$ref?: string;
* Meta schema
* Recommended values:
* - 'http://json-schema.org/schema#'
* - 'http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#'
* - 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#'
* - 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/hyper-schema#'
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01#section-5
$schema?: string;
$comment?: string;
$defs?: Record<string, JsonSchema | boolean>;
// for any type
type?: JSONSchemaTypeName | JSONSchemaTypeName[];
enum?: JSONSchemaType[];
const?: JSONSchemaType;
//region keywords for strings
maxLength?: number;
minLength?: number;
pattern?: string;
contentEncoding?: string; // e.g. base64
contentMediaType?: string; // e.g. image/png, text/html, application/jwt
contentSchema?: JSONSchemaDefinition; // for application/jwt e.g. {type:"array"}
//region keywords for numbers
multipleOf?: number;
maximum?: number;
exclusiveMaximum?: number;
minimum?: number;
exclusiveMinimum?: number;
//region keywords for arrays
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01#section-6.4
items?: JSONSchemaDefinition | JSONSchemaDefinition[] | undefined;
additionalItems?: JSONSchemaDefinition | undefined;
contains?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
maxItems?: number;
minItems?: number;
uniqueItems?: boolean;
maxContains?: number;
minContains?: number;
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01#section-6.5
//region keywords for objects
maxProperties?: number;
minProperties?: number;
required?: string[];
dependentRequired?: Record<string, string[]>; // draft 2019-09
properties?: Record<string, JSONSchemaDefinition>;
patternProperties?: Record<string, JSONSchemaDefinition>;
additionalProperties?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
propertyNames?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
* renamed to dependentSchemas, dependentRequired
* @deprecated draft 2019-09
dependencies?: Record<string, JSONSchemaDefinition | string[]>;
//region conditional subschemas
if?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
then?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
else?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
//region logical operations
allOf?: JSONSchemaDefinition[];
anyOf?: JSONSchemaDefinition[];
oneOf?: JSONSchemaDefinition[];
not?: JSONSchemaDefinition;
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01#section-7
format?: string;
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01#section-8
contentMediaType?: string;
contentEncoding?: string;
* renamed to `$defs` to match `$ref`
definitions?: Record<string, JSONSchemaDefinition>;
//region metadata
title?: string;
description?: string;
default?: JSONSchemaType;
deprecated?: boolean;
readOnly?: boolean;
writeOnly?: boolean;
examples?: JSONSchemaType;
"type": "string",
"nullable": true
"type": ["string", "null"]
"type": "integer"
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"$id": "https://example.com/product.schema.json",
"title": "Product",
"description": "A product in the catalog",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"uints": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
// 相对引用
"$ref": "#/$defs/positiveInteger"
"objs": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
// 绝对引用
"$id": "https://example.com/bar",
"additionalProperties": {}
// null or string
"nullable": { "type": ["string", "null"] }
"required": [],
"$defs": {
"positiveInteger": {
"type": "integer",
"exclusiveMinimum": 0
"single": {
"$anchor": "item",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": { "$ref": "other.json" }
"$comment": ""
- 元数据
- title, description
- $comment
- default
- examples
- readOnly, writeOnly
- contentEncoding - 例如: base64 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2045#section-6.1
- contentMediaType - 例如: image/png https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc2046/
- number
- format
- float
- double
- keyword
- minimum - >=
- maximum - <=
- exclusiveMinimum - >
- exclusiveMaximum - <
- multipleOf
- format
- integer
- format
- int32
- int64
- format
- string
- format
- email - RFC 5321
- idn-email - RFC 6531
- uuid
- uri
- uri-reference
- iri
- iri-reference
- uri-template
- json-pointer
- relarive-json-pointer
- hostname
- idn-hostname - RFC5890, section
- ipv4
- ipv6
- password - 针对前端的提示
- byte - Base64 编码数据
- binary - 二进制数据,用于配合文件使用
- date-time - RFC 3339, 5.6,
- date - RFC 3339, 5.6,
- time
- duration - draft 2019-09 - ISO 8601 ABNF for “duration”
- P3D
- keyword
- pattern - 正则匹配
- minLength, maxLength
- format
- boolean
- null - 空值
- array
- minItems, maxItems
- uniqueItems
- items
- contains
- draft 2019-09
- maxContains, minContains
- unevaluatedItems
- draft-2020-12
- items - 要求为 schema
- prefixItems - 前置 items 类型
- additionalItems - 是否允许额外 items
- object
- minProperties, maxProperties
- required - 必须的字段
- properties - 字段定义
- patternProperties - 根据 key 限定类型
- additionalProperties - 允许额外字段
- propertyNames - 限定 key 的 schema
- draft 2019-09
dependencies- dependentRequired - 字段之间依赖
- dependentSchemas
- unevaluatedProperties
- OpenAPI
- discriminator
decimal 精度
{ "type": "number", "multipleOf": 0.01 }
ajv formats
JSON Schema vs JSON Type Definition
- JSON Schema
- 优点
- 使用广
- OpenAPI 采用
- 支持复杂校验逻辑
- 定义限制而非类型结构
- 缺点
- 实现复杂
- 非 RFC,标准处于 draft 状态
- 优点
- JSON Type Definition
- 优点
- 定义类型
- 简单
- 实现简单
- RFC8927
- 缺点
- 不支持引用
- 无 meta-schema
- 新标准 - 2021-01
- 优点
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64"
- protobufjs 使用 long 包