ldap cli
- ldapmodify
- ldapadd ->
ldapmodify -a
- modifyDN -> rename
- /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
- filter - RFC2254
- attribute/value assertion
- 存在 k=
common | for |
-c | ignore error |
-D binddn | |
-f file | |
-h host | |
-H ldapuri | |
-n | dry run |
-p port | |
-P protocol | 2,3 |
-v | verbose |
-W | ask password |
-w passwd | |
-x | simple auth instead of SASL |
-y passwdfile |
BASE dc=wener,dc=me
URI ldap://ip
TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/certs
ldapsearch | for |
-u | output dn |
-t | binary to file |
-tt | all values to file |
-T path | TMPDIR |
-F prefix | URL prefix for temporary files |
-A | attributes only |
-L | output LDIFv1 |
-LL | output LDIFv1 without comment |
-LLL | output LDIFv1 without comment & version |
-S sort-attr | sort by attr |
-b base | |
-s scope | base,one,sub,children |
-a alias-deref | never,always,search,find |
-l timelimit | |
-z sizelimit | |
-M | DSA IT |
# 修改密码 - 只能修改自己的
# LDAPv3 Password Modify (RFC 3062)
ldappasswd -x -D uid=admin,ou=users,dc=wener,dc=me -w secret -s new
# namingContexts
ldapsearch -LLL -x -b '' -s base '(objectClass=*)' namingContexts
# 生成密码
# -m module.so
slappasswd -h {SSHA} -s secret
- changetype
- modify
- replace: attr
- add
- add: attr
- 多值属性值不能相同
- delete
- delete: attr - 未指定则删除 entry
- modify
分隔 多个操作
dn: cn=ToModify,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: mail
mail: new@email.com
changetype: add
add: foo
foo: bar
changetype: delete
delete: unneededEntry
- RFC 4511 LDAP: the protocol
- RFC 4512 LDAP: directory information models