Bundle FAQ
// for tree-shaking
// 只需要在定义时
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
// 所有调用都需要标记
/* @__PURE__ */
.js 文件后缀
- 有些场景需要 esm import 包含后缀,目前 esbuild 不好添加
- 可以考虑 rollup
- https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/2435
- SWC - 不支持
- Output mjs file extension swc#3067
- https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/5346
- https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/35148
- NextJS 库 import 必须要有 .js 后缀
- GervinFung/ts-add-js-extension
- 添加 js 后缀
✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "server/src/app/app.run"
8 │ import { runApplication } from "server/src/app/app.run";
╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The module "./dist/out/app/app.run" was not found on the file system:
17 │ "import": "./dist/out/*"
╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Import from "server/src/app/app.run.js" to get the file
8 │ import { runApplication } from "server/src/app/app.run";
│ ^
╵ .js
You can mark the path "server/src/app/app.run" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which
will remove this error.
- 可以通过 exports 添加 - 不支持自动 index.ts
"exports": {
"./src/*": {
"types": "./src/*",
"typescript": "./src/*",
"import": "./dist/out/*.js"
- 通过直接 import 加后缀解决
import { GeneralResponseDto } from 'server/src/common/dto/index.ts';
"compilerOptions": {
"allowImportingTsExtensions": true
- sed
pnpm swc ./src -d ./lib
# for `'` & `"`
sed -E -i -r 's#(\bfrom\s+"\.[^"]+)";#\1.js";#g' ./lib/**/*.js
sed -E -i -r "s#(\bfrom\s+'\.[^']+)';#\1.js';#g" ./lib/**/*.js